Friday, October 15, 2010

One Crazy Week

So this week was a very long and tiring week. I guess it was mostly because I was coming off a long four day weekend and jumping right back into school work.

Anyway, on Monday I went to Odori with Daiki, Yatsu, and Yukina and tried soup curry for the first time. It was actually really good. You get a plate of rice and a bowl of really spicy soup. You scoop the rice and dip it into the curry and then drink the soup. There is a level of spice you can chose for your curry. There is a 1-10 level with minus below 1 and infinity above 10. Then there is a whole other scale of dangerous levels. I got 6, Daiki got 8, Yatsu got one of the dangerous levels, and Yukina got Minus. No matter what you got, it was still really spicy and we went through so many tissues, but it was so good.

Tuesday started the craziness of the week. I guess the teachers were not happy that we missed two days of school so this week everything is jammed together. I have so much homework due. I have an Exam on Thursday and two quizzes on Friday as well as a ton of homework due everyday. It was not fun.

On Wednesday I studied a lot, but my the end of the day I was worn out. So to take a break I went out with some friends to a Thai restaurant and then to Sapporo TV Tower. The tower was like a smaller Tokyo Tower, but still pretty neat. We were able to go up and see the whole city at night.

The exam was my first conversation exam. I had to sit with the teacher and she would ask me basic questions and I would answer and then we would build off of those questions with others. I actually think this went pretty well. I knew everything she was saying and tried to answer the best I could. I guess one thing I can say is that my listening and speaking of Japanese has improved since I've been here. I guess I am getting used to it. After the interview I then had to do a roleplay with a classmate. We both got parts and had to act out different situations. For example planning a friends birthday or being a teacher and helping a student. I think this went pretty well too.

Luckily it is now Friday night and the long busy week is over. Tomorrow I go to an onsen, a Japanese hot spring, on a school trip and then on Sunday I go to Edo Wonderland, a type of Japanese Renaissance Fair, but with Samurai and Ninja. A lot of my friends are going so it should be a fun time. I will be sure to take a lot of pictures.

Be back later.


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